Recruitment of participants DAYRAIDER – DAILY NADEX Binary Options

Discussion in 'Nadex' started by Dron, 6 January 2024.

Recruitment of participants
1997.00 USD
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Settlement fee for participation:
102 USD
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  1. Dron

    Dron Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Organizer

    14 September 2019
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    • A powerful way to trade the daily binary while scooping up an extraordinary numbers of profit points off of the underlying futures so you can ride the daily binary options for a homerun move.
    • Check out powerful 3 weeks profit points which directly correlate with NADEX daily binary options which on the US small cap 2000 is only four points per strike.
    • If you're looking for a way to take advantage of daily options on NADEX with the daily expiration because you know that there is very large profit potential there then you'll certainly want to add the new DAYRAIDER DAILY NADEX Binary Options MICRO SWING TRADING System to Your Arsenal

    DAYRAIDER Day binary options system on NADEX uses intra and cross days trading opportunities with a new approach to take advantage of highly probable trading opportunities with smoother price action and even the ability much of the time to be ahead of the next days open.

    • Trade the day binaries
    • You can use DAYRAIDER to trade NADEX day spreads or knockouts which are similar to the day spreads.
    • GREAT way to trade. Definitely consider using DAYRAIDER on the side with your other cash flow systems.
    • Use DAYRAIDER for cash flow and networth building with very little time involved.
    Our advantage on the DAY binaries in NADEX is that the strikes are not so far apart and the deltas are pretty good. This means we can ride momentum that usually happens in the morning from OTM out of the money and cash out with a big score.

    We can be in before the market opens even the previous day which allows us to even catch overnight action into the next day, where, a lot of the time, big moves occur. So we don't have to sit there all day. You can just put the trade on the prior day, or before the markets and then 1. check prices here and there throughout the day with quick glances. 2. Or if you have a good move just let it expire in the money ITM for the full gain.

    As per this typing the daily binary opens at 6 p.m. the prior day. You don't need that much point progress to move up the strikes on NADEX compared to average daily range. Usually we can take a further out-of-the-money position and ride the swing or target expiration.

    On US SmallCap 2000 you can take an OTM position at 15 points on the strikes with 16 hours to go to expiration and turn that into a position right near 60, in just 12 points That's already an incredible gain of 400%. And then if you're able to expire it ITM, that will be an even more incredible gain providing you an over six fold return.