Recruitment of participants mzBigTrade Indicator NinjaTrader 8

Discussion in 'NinjaTrader' started by Dron, 13 January 2024.

Recruitment of participants
465.00 USD
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24 USD
  • Participants of Joint purchase:
    1. jameszza;

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  1. Dron

    Dron Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Organizer

    14 September 2019
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    mzBigTrade Indicator NinjaTrader 8


    Tape Reconstruction
    Filtering by: Trade size (min/max), Iceberg order size, DOM pressure (min/max), DOM support (min/max) with ANY/ALL combination
    Auto-filtered order flow
    Extra filters: Aggressive trades (initiative/stop runs) and Smart/Predatory trades
    Two algorithms for Iceberg orders searching: Hard and Soft
    Liquidity pushing/pulling indication
    Market-Limit orders search
    Variety of trades visualization: Stacked Tape, Bubble, Box, Bar, Line
    Pop-up hints with detailed trade information
    Levels with Alerts
    Notifications via Ninja Alerts and emails
    Proprietary settings window with On-The-Fly adjustments of parameters. Chart reloading does not require anymore!

    Iceberg Algorithms

    Iceberg search algorithms work only on live or Market replay data only. An iceberg order is a special limit order. The main size of an iceberg order is not shown in the order book. You will never know the size of the hidden part (iceberg) of limit order without a special algorithm running in real-time.
    Hard. In this mode, we use volumes on best bid/ask price levels to calculate the size of the hidden liquidity
    Soft. In this mode, we add positive DOM pressure (if any) to the size of the iceberg order calculated by Hard algorithm


    DOM Pressure – Pushing/Pulling of Liquidity

    We use DOM pressure term to describe the behavior of the liquidity on the way of a market order. Positive DOM pressure means liquidity pushing or adding. Negative DOM pressure means liquidity pulling or removing.
    E.g. Buy order with negative DOM pressure means pulling the liquidity on best Ask upon execution of the order. For a sell order, DOM pressure is a kind of support for the price. In the case of buy trade, DOM pressure will be a resistance.


    Dragon Trader likes this.
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