Realised Quantifiable Edges VIX Trading Course

Discussion in 'Requests for joint purchases' started by BUD, 9 November 2023.

  1. BUD

    BUD Active Member

    5 October 2021
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    #1 BUD, 9 November 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: 4 January 2024
    This is a very interesting course: Quantifiable Edges VIX Trading Course


    original price: $1,875 (eg 20 participants for $99/each or 25 participants for $79/each)

    The Quantifiable Edges VIX Trading Course is designed for traders interested in benefitting from some of the tremendous edges available when trading VIX-based securities. This is not a course for beginner traders. You should have some experience trading. This is a course for traders looking add quantified VIX strategies to their trading arsenal, or for exoerienced VIX traders looking to expand / quantify / improve their VIX strategies. We will cover in detail many edges and indicators that can be used to trade VIX futures, options, and ETNs. We will also discuss when edges vary between these VIX products and which ones to consider trading.

    The course contains massive amounts of information, but in an easily digestible format. It is organized in a way that traders can quickly find the lessons, spreadsheets, research, and tools they want to review at any time. No advanced mathematics or programming background is needed to benefit from the course. The contents and lessons are self-paced, and there will be several live Q&A sessions over the next few weeks where traders can get their questions answered. (If the time is not convenient, simply email us your question and it will be answered during the recorded Q&A.)

    Some highlights of the course include:
    • Detailed quantitative look at many indicators including:
      • Contango / Backwardation of VIX Futures
      • Futures Roll Yield
      • Implied vs Realized Volatility Readings
      • VIX and VVIX levels
      • Standard Price Indicators
      • Custom Quantifiable Edges Indicators (fully explained and revealed)
    • Futures/Options Trading Models
    • VIX-based ETNs Trading Models
    • Handling Special Situations & Risk Events
    • Incorporating VIX Strategies Into Your Portfolio
    • Historical Data (for download) with VIX Futures and 1-2 Month Historical Contango/Backwardation Readings
    • Amibroker Add-on Module (purchased separately) Allows users to create spreadsheets similar to those used, or generate lists of symbols triggering many of the strategies covered.

    Course material includes:

    • Over 30 short video lessons that can be watched over and over.
    • 30+ Large Excel spreadsheets that provide detailed indicator/model analysis. Rob discusses his thoughts and takeaways from these spreadsheets during the video lessons.

    Much of the information in the course, including some indicators and all of the trading models, have never been made public before. Even long-time Quantifiable Edges subscribers will find new ideas, edges, and research within the course. The VIX Trading Course is brand new.

    If you are interested, please comment below and lets get it together!
  2. BUD

    BUD Active Member

    5 October 2021
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  3. Stalker

    Stalker Administrator

    24 September 2023
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